We go to the right from the crosses to the bridge, we cross it (the bridge is rotten and breathes incense. If you walk on it – you are on the right path). We climb the ledge, go straight and roll down the slope. We jump, grab the rock and climb up. To the right, on the stairs, and turn into the corridor on the left. We are in a hall with a puzzle. Only Nathan enters the hall, the door behind the heroes closes (damn pressure plate). How to get out – it is not clear, but we will think about it later.
Puzzle. First, pull the skeleton bones out of the mechanism (right). The puzzle comes into motion. We take a niche from below a bucket, we type in it water (the lake will be on the left). We turn the mechanisms so that the bucket of water was at the top, and the crosses were like this: white – on the left, black – on the right, and the largest – a little higher.

We pull the lever (where the skeleton’s hand was sticking out) and the door opens. We go down the corridor, jump on the ledge and climb up. Another ledge – jump on it, cling to the beam with a rope, swing and jump on the ledge on the right.
We go a little straight and turn right. We climb the stone. Above us will be a wreckage of the stairs. We put Sam down, he will drop us a box, which we will also get upstairs. There will be a rock on the left – we jump on it, climb after Sam. We reach the mine in the wall, then follow Sam, who will lead us to the catacombs. On the left is a hole in the wall (above the coffin). We climb into it. We jump on the left wall, climb to the ledge, and listen to Nadine report the mercenaries (makes them work faster). Then Rafe comes and says that the mercenaries broke half of the cathedral with dynamite (which is, by the way, an architectural monument!). We listen to this chatter and climb on. To the right to the wall, and go down the ledge. We are in a huge hall. We go to the left, cling to the beam with a rope, go down a little and jump on the ledge on the left. From the ledge to the wall and up it. We drop the box down, roll it up to the wall, climb up. To the right, to the left to the wreckage of the bridge, from them to the left. We follow the path. There will be a box on the right of the wall. We throw the rope, cling to it and fly to the wall (behind the barricade of barrels will be a treasure). We push the box forward, into the very corner of the rock, cling to the rope and go down. We swing and jump on the ledge on the left.

We go to the arch and forward until it stops. To the right will be a hole that leads to the mine. We walk along the mine, jump down. There will be a ledge on the left – we jump on it and go down. Below is a skeleton with a note. We read (in it the story of a poor man who did not get the treasure). We go straight, we pass on a beam on other ledge. Let’s go straight. We jump on the ledge on the left and go to the left (there will be crap like a swing). We walk along it to the middle, wait for Sam and run forward. We jump on the ledge, crawl on it to the left and grab the rope by the beam. We swing and jump on the wall, climb up. There will be a box at the top, we push it on a swing beam. Then we jump on these swings again and quickly run to the ledge. With Sam’s help, we go upstairs. Now straight up the stone stairs to the door. We open it – and a new hall awaits us. There will be another cross on the scales – a crucifix. Sam takes one coin from the scales and the card lights up on the floor. Now we need to go to Madagascar. While the Drake brothers are looking at the map, the wall is falling apart. Nadine and the mercenaries arrive. Nadine tells Rafe on her walkie-talkie that she has caught the brothers. The brothers will have to convince the mercenaries that they are useful to society. While they are chatting nicely, one of the mercenaries takes up the cross – and the whole of “Madagascar” flies down. Naturally, using the shoemaker, the brothers make legs.